Mealtime at our house means...sitting down, sharing a (usually) homecooked meal, and taking time to talk and listen to each other and share the events of our day. Where this used to be the norm, it seems it is a rare occasion for many families these days. After seeing a show on bullying this week, it was really evident to me, just how important it is to have the communication lines between parents and children open from a very young age. My son is only in the second grade but he tells me of situations almost daily, where certain kids are picking on, calling names, or excluding some children from being in their group. It's really tough being a kid these days. My son has always been very open with his feelings, but that isn't the case with all children, especially when something is bothering them. I was thinking of how parents could encourage their children to talk about their feelings and actually make it fun! I started making a list of questions, and then made them into little flashcards. We call them "Table Talk" My son pulls a card at dinner, and then we take turns answering the question. I've found that these answers can lead to some really great and informative conversations, and my son LOVES it! If you aren't able to sit down together for dinner, you could maybe have "Tuck in Talk" at bedtime. Whatever works for you...

I will probably change out our cards each month or so in order to keep the
questions fresh and relative to the issues for Luke's age.
If you like these, the files below are for twenty four cards (three sheets of 8)
to get you started.
Please feel free to use them.
Thank you for stopping by
This is a great idea! We have always had dinner together just about every evening, still do and my kids are 21 and 16! It is very important in such a busy world to know that everyone will be together at some point every day and break bread and catch up.
What a great idea! I love that you made them as well. Thank you so much for sharing your hard work and your great idea.
This is a great idea! With my girls in high school, it's pretty rare we are all together. But when I was growing up, we ate every meal together...good memories.
Printed them all out! We do "best/worst" part of our day at dinner, this will be fun too! Thanks!!
Perfect idea...and it doesn't hurt that they look so darn cute to boot!
Blessings and Hugs,
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