Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chandelier Workshop

I held my first chandelier workshop this past Saturday at my home studio and what fun it was!  I did a three day chandelier workshop in Portland last Summer  that was given by Sally Jean Alexander.  I have it hanging in my shop, and ladies are always asking about it, so I thought I would hold a little workshop where they could learn how to make one of their own. My workshop was a very simplified version of the one that I had taken.  It was really fun to see everyone's creativity pouring out!

 This is the one that I made in Portland

We started with lampshades that we stripped the fabric from, and  patina'd the frames.  I just picked up three more shades yesterday at GW for $3

I made little goodie boxes for everyone and decorated them with a soldered charm with each ladies initial.

Inside were some trinkets for embellishing their chandys

Such a fun bunch of creative ladies!

Every chandy was unique, and it was so much fun to see all of the talent these ladies had to share

When the chandys are lit up they have such a warm glow that is really magical!

Thank you ladies for a wonderful day of soul feeding!

Hugs Always,


Unknown said...

oh what gorgeous transformations! all of those chandy's are just lovely! If i lived closer...I would have LOVED to attend your workshop as well! Sigh...

Sarah said...

Wishin' I could've been there. How FUN!!!!!!!

alesia said...

Wow! I so enjoyed the workshop. You are a creative soul, resonating beauty inside and out! The chandelier workshop was just what I needed to jumpstart my art world. Thank you, oh so much!

Anonymous said...

Tomar o no tomar las pldoras de dieta es una decisin difcil.

una vita sana non pu non essere correlata ad una alimentazione corretta.

Como Bajar de Peso Marilyn tomaba frutas y verduras ricos en potasio, como la alcachofa, endivias, apio y perejil,
as como meln y pia, y entre horas cmo perder 10 kilos en un mes
con una dieta y ejercicios.

Celebra tus pequeos resultados InmediatosEl ms rpido programa de dieta para la quema de
grasa que encuentres no bienen de fuentes naturales. Como Bajar de Peso El mejor programa de dieta y los resultados InmediatosEl ms
par de conceptos clave y una comprensin bsica de las caloras,
puede ser fcil mantener tu peso actual, mientras comes una variedad de alimentos nutritivos.

Si usted tiene suficiente fuerza de voluntad para seguir. El verdadero muerte.
Estos pueden ocurrir con el tipo equivocado de pldoras de dieta en las manos equivocadas.
Es triste, y no debe ocurrir contigo. como bajar De peso en una semana Si bien estas dietas no
son la opcines ms saludables, y si bien es muy probable que regrese todo el peso perdido despus
de unas usted puede crear fcilmente su propia receta.